© Sébastien Vannier
Deadline: Call for Papers for Workshop: Misplacing matter? Vertical practices and (hi)stories of space and power
June 23 2023
Workshop: 6th – 8th September 2023, Augsburg University, Germany
Convened by Prof. Dr. Simone Müller (Professor for Environmental History and Environmental Humanities, Augsburg
University) & Livia Cahn (PhD candidate, Rachel Carson Centre, Ludwig-Maximillian University, Munich)
For more information on the workshop and application, please view the call for papers.
Due date for proposals: no more than 500 words and one image 23rd June 2023.
Send to simone.mueller@uni-a.de & livia.cahn@rcc.lmu.de.
The first workshop session is planned in person for September 2023 at the University of Augsburg, Germany. Accommodation and travel costs within Europe can be covered. This workshop is supported by the German Research Foundation at the University of Augsburg.