
Wednesday - Friday

February 15 - 17
10:15 AM

In the middle of February, the ENB-funded International Doctoral Program Um(Welt)Denken held its second Colloquium at the University of Augsburg and the LMU Munich. Attended by PhD students, advisors, and the entire IDK team, our IDK Colloquia offer a unique opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary discourse with experts from all the field represented in the program. Taking place in March 2022, the first colloquium started in Munich, moved to Augsburg on day two, and ended at LMU Munich. You can learn more about it here. The second colloquium followed the same format and was, once again, scheduled over the course of 3 days. This time, we started at the University of Augsburg. For more information, have a look at our report in the magazine.