Anne-Sophie Balzer stands curled sideways in a recess about 3 metres high in the glacier ice

Video poem: Anne-Sophie Balzer’s “Ad Jökla – BEcoming a Glacier”

Anne-Sophie Balzer stands on the glacier ice in the wind, wrapped in a rescue blanket with the golden side facing outwards

PhD student Anne-Sophie Balzer (“Writing with Glaciers: Towards a Glacial Poetics in Contemporary Transamerican Poetries of the Anthropocene”) also engages artistically within her research topic. Together with photographer Julian Stettler, she recorded a video poem, “Að Jökla – Becoming Glacier”, on the glacier in June 2023.



My project aims to yoke together ecocritical thinking, new materialism, and animist philosophy as critical approaches to reading contemporary Anthropocene poetries with an emphasis on text-world relations.

My project aims to yoke together ecocritical thinking, new materialism, and animist philosophy as critical approaches to reading contemporary Anthropocene poetries with an emphasis on text-world relations.