Guest Speakers

Caspar Möller

Caspar Möller is a project manager and research fellow with MIYA forest e.V. With a background in (Tropical) Forestry and expertise in tropical silviculture and plantation economics, Tiny Forests and urban greening are not a typical career path for him. However, what he finds most intriguing about forestry is its ability to foster a plethora of social and ecological services and – with its long life and production cycles – its intrinsic sustainability, which is not merely a goal, but an ingrained part of management. Working towards urban landscape restoration, Caspar tries to make the teachings of forests accessible to urban dwellers and with that rekindling the bond between nature and humans on a physical, intellectual and spiritual level.


Caspar Möller introduces the non-governmental organisation Miya-Forest (Eberswalde) and its alternative forest concept as part of the 2nd Artist workshop “Re-Thinking Forests” and tells us more about the initiative’s efforts to plant these in urban areas