Guest Speakers

Charles Dorn

Educational History and Social Studies 
Bowdoin College

Charles Dorn is an educational historian and the Barry N. Wish Professor of Social Studies at Bowdoin College (Maine, USA). His work has appeared in History of Education QuarterlySouthern African Review of Education, and Diplomatic History, and has been featured in Time and Fortune Magazines and on National Public Radio’s Throughline. Dorn is the recipient of two U.S. State Department Fulbright Awards and a Landhaus Fellowship at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich, Germany). He is the author of For the Common Good: A New History of Higher Education in America (Cornell University Press, 2017) and, with co-author Randall Curren, Patriotic Education in a Global Age (University of Chicago Press, 2018). His current project explores the history of environmental education in the United States between the late nineteenth and early twenty-first centuries.