Eva Krannich

I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Anglistik/Amerkanistik from the University of Augsburg in 2019, with a minor in comparative literatures. Strongly centering my studies on North American contemporary literature, I thereby focused on questions of identity. During the course of my master’s program English and American studies (UniA), I studied abroad at the University of Vermont in the US where I started gathering ideas for papers on environmentalism and ecocriticism while taking a class on climate change, storytelling, and solarpunk. In May 2022, I submitted my master’s thesis titled “Environmental Catastrophes in Anglophone Climate Change Fiction” which further kindled my interest in the work of the environmental humanities.

Throughout my internship at the Rachel Carson Center in Munich, I discovered my passion for working together with international scholars and interdisciplinary approaches to environmental studies. I am currently developing my PhD proposal for a project at the NELK department (UniA), thematizing water and plants in Afrofuturist, Indigenous North American, and magicalrealist Caribbean literature and film.

In January 2023, I joined the International Doctoral College (IDK) as a program assistant in Munich.


Contact: eva.krannich@wzu.uni-augsburg.de