Eveline Dürr
I am currently conducting a research project on urban ethics in Mexico City in the context of a DFG funded research group. This research investigates the impacts of cycling as a new mobility scheme and asks how it shapes citizens’ everyday lives and their relationship to urban space. I am also leading a DFG funded project on CO2 emission trade in the Great Bear Rainforest in Canada. This project investigates resource use and conservation and links these processes to the decolonization of Indigenous peoples in the Americas. I am also interested in diverse aspects of ‘waste’, including its discursive and representational power, the cultural practices involved in dealing with waste (as in ecotourism) and its transformation into a commodity (as in so-called slum tourism). I am deputy speaker of the Collaborative Research Cluster ‘Cultures of Vigilance’ at the LMU.
Contact: eveline.duerr@lmu.de