Johanna Weselek
Johanna Weselek completed her doctorate in sociology on the subject of education for sustainable development (ESD). The publication entitled ‘Education for sustainable development between political expectation and school practice’ was published in 2022. The qualitative-reconstructive study centred on the question of how teachers understand and implement sustainability and ESD in everyday school life. In 2018, her dissertation was honoured with the Heidelberg University of Education’s Young Researcher Award. Her research focuses on educational and environmental sociological perspectives on education for sustainable development, global learning and teacher training. She is particularly interested in how more social and societal issues can be integrated into the ESD discourse and into school and university implementation. She finds it particularly important to address national and global inequalities in this regard. She is currently working as a research assistant at the Heidelberg University of Education in the ‘Learning the Future’ project of the Heidelberg Centre for Education for Sustainable Development.