
Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl

Environmental Ethics
Augsburg University
I would like to be part of a movement towards the change of the world, to act responsibly towards the next generations (my son is part of "Fridays for Future"), and as a theologian to be aware of God's creation.

My research interests are the normative implications of climate resilience and the analysis of use cases such as plastic abstinence (for example, the YouTube video “KinderUni Augsburg – Obst in Plastik? Das ist doch Banane!” by the Children’s University Augsburg).

At the moment, I work on nutrition responsibility. Besides health, it is an issue of environmental ethics, social justice, and animal welfare.

Personal research interests

I am interested in connecting the master’s program Environmental Ethics and the IDK in classes and seminars.

In my classes, I often teach animal ethics. Last semester, I taught a course on “ The Ethics of Cities” an another one on “Greenwashing and Corporate Responsibility”.

In my research fields, one can often find issues concerning bioethics (one of my working fields in the German Ethics Council) which, in my view, must be combined more directly with Environmental Ethics. Currently, I am part of the new Center for Climate Resilience at the University of Augsburg. In this field, and together with various partners, I am designing a tool for sensitizing sustainability dilemmas concerning smartphones.



Professor Schlögl-Flierl is head of the master’s program “Environmental Ethics” at the University of Augsburg. More information about the MA “Umweltethik” can be found here.