Simone Müller
I am a global historian of technology, economy, and the environment with a particular focus on globalization processes, the intersection of ecology and economy, and the era of the Anthropocene. My research interests range from the international trade in hazardous waste material and toxicity as a historical construction, the intellectual history of economic ecological thinking, to verticality as an enviro-historical concept and the study of marine space. My book The Toxic Ship. The Voyage of the Khian Sea and the Global Waste Trade is forthcoming 2023 with Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books at Washington University Press.
Prior to Augsburg, I served as PI and Project Director of the DFG Emmy Noether Research Group “Hazardous Travels. Ghost Acres and the Global Waste Economy” at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.
Contact: simone.mueller@uni-a.de