Tyanif Rico Rodriguez
Tyanif Rico Rodríguez is a postdoctoral researcher at Bielefeld University and invited researcher on the collaborative research project “Turning Land into Capital (2023–2027).” She is a sociologist and obtained a master’s degree in agrarian social studies from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Argentina (FLACSO) in 2014 and an additional master’s degree in social sciences from The College of Michoacán, Mexico, in 2016. In 2021, she received an honorable mention from the National Autonomous University of Mexico for her doctorate in geography. As an interdisciplinary scholar, she has teaching and research experience in areas such as environmental history, socio-environmental conflicts, and is skilled in ethnographic and participatory research methods. Her current project develops the concept of territorial care based on an affective and material analysis of peasants’ organizational strategies—a perspective that allows to bring together forms of community organization, resistance, territoriality, and production of subjectivities that encompass the practices of peasant organization.