Guest Speakers

Wolfgang Sailer

Forestry and Environment

Wolfgang Sailer is a retired forest scientist with more than 40 years of experience in forest and environmental management. As head of the Landsberg/Lech forest office he was responsible for the removal of huge damages caused by hurricanes in the early 1990s and the subsequent conversion of former spruce-dominated forests into broadleaf forests. Between 1995 and 1997 he organized the expansion of the Bavarian Forest National Park (“Bayerischer Wald”) as project manager for the Bavarian State Government. From 2000 onwards he set up the area management for Bavarian forests within the European Natura 2000 network for protected sites. He has been active on both the national and European level as a member of the Legal Committee of the German Forestry Council, of the working group of federal and state forest policy officers, of the Standing Forestry Committee of the EU-Commission and of the informal European platform “Greenenforce.” Among the projects he initiated are the first EU-forestry action plan (2005) and the German Forest Climate Fund. As head of the Augsburg Regional Office he was responsible for state tasks in the field of agriculture, forestry, horticulture, nutrition, and domestic economy.