Fizza Batool
Food Security at what Price? The politics of subsidies
I am a young scholar with an interest in almost everything related to capitalism and modernity. My educational background merges natural and social sciences. I hold an M.A. in development studies from the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, with a major in Agrarian, Food, and Environmental Studies (AFES). I like to ask critical questions about the dynamics in the global economic system and the core assumptions of the development discourse. The subjects of environmental studies, transdisciplinary research, and ecological transformation are central to my understanding and help me locate the environmental crisis.
Fizza Batool is sponsored by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).
Contact: fizza.batool@geo.uni-augsburg.de

Subsidies are assumed to be good for farmers and agriculture but is this issue that straightforward? What is the cost of cheap food, and how is it paid for by the whole society and the environment? This research investigates the untold story of subsidies and their impact on human and environmental relations.
Political Ecology of State Food Subsidies: Mapping the Impact of Subsidies on Agrarian Change in Gilgit- Baltistan, Pakistan
Subsidies are assumed to be good for farmers and agriculture but is this issue that straightforward? What is the cost of cheap food, and how is it paid for by the whole society and the environment? This research investigates the untold story of subsidies and their impact on human and environmental relations.